Hey all,
The last two days have been pretty rough. I've been incredibly low and have achieved nothing other than keeping myself alive. Today I woke up at 3pm, I started writing this at 3:40pm. Although I feel pretty bloody groggy right now I do have a small amount of get up a go in me and I decided to try and put it to good use writing this.
I have mentioned before in my posts that I overthink everything. Sometimes its not necessarily a detrimental thing but it does cause me to be indecisive. Considering this, one thing I have been pondering for a while is changing the name of this blog, trying to find something more 'catchy'. I have also been thinking a lot about my priorities when it comes to being creative and it has become clear to me that photography plays second fiddle to my music and writing. As much as I enjoy it I simply don't feel the same need to do it. That's not to say that I will stop it but for now at least I wont specifically dedicate any time to it. If I am out and about somewhere interesting and I remember to pick up my camera then I will definitely use it. I also mentioned previously that I had a real interest in gig photography, since this isn't possible at the moment then perhaps the spark will come back a little when venues are able to operate as they used to.
Coming to this realisation about my photography feels like a weight off my shoulders. I plan to update my photography Instagram page to show that it is inactive but I will leave it up for the memories and also incase I want to start posting again in the future. I will also be excluding posts about photography moving forward (Not that I have made any in quite some time anyway! haha).
With all of this said the name change becomes more important because currently it is called 'Photography, Music and Mental Health' which I have never really loved anyway. Of course I could just called it 'Music and Mental Health' but again its a bit generic. I feel like it needs to be something more personalised. Some examples of blogs/podcasts I have been following and could perhaps take inspiration from for a name are:
Kim's Daily Dose of Positivity - https://kimthewarrior.wixsite.com/kimsdailydose/blog
Cara's Corner - https://caras-corner.com/
The Mouth of Manliness - https://mouthofmanliness.com/
Failed Rockstar Club - https://bestdaysvintage.co.uk/pages/podcasts
I'm drawing a blank right now. I would love to hear what people think of this and if you have any ideas for a name.
Let me know! :)
Much love,
Want to know more about the blogs/podcasts mentioned above?
Kim's Daily Dose of Positivity - Kim is a fellow Time to Change Champion and Colchestarian. She is a self proclaimed mental health warrior, fighting the stigma and being a point of contact for those suffering in silence.
Cara's Corner - I found Cara's blog through recommendations on Instagram shortly before she appeared on an episode of The Mouth of Manliness. She has a large following and is very articulate in describing her situation. Definitely one worth checking out.
The Mouth of Manliness - I've dedicated a post to this podcast before so anyone who has been reading for a while knows about my love for MOM. Started by Nick Noise and Brad Acton and currently hosted by Nick with a different guest each week. An open and honest conversation every time and well worth a listen.
Failed Rockstar Club - This is the podcast created by the owner of Best Days Vintage here in Colchester. They cover Music, Fashion and Mental Health and record each episode in store after closing. In a recent episode some passers by decided to join in asking what was going on. Fair play to the guys for leaving that part in. It made for a good laugh and made it clear that this is a genuine, no BS podcast.